Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Control Attention In Design With Value

To be successful as a designer it is necessary to be able to use value effectively. Value provides the maximum contrast available and is useful for controlling visibility and hence controlling attention.

Value as design element

Value refers to the relative lightness or darkness of a certain area. Value can be used for emphasis. Variations in value are used to create a focal point for the design of a picture. A light figure on a dark background is immediately recognized as the center of attention. This is also applicable for a dark figure on a mostly white background.

Value is an important tool for the designers and artists, in the way that it defines form and creates spatial illusions. Areas of light and dark can give a three-dimensional impression. This is similar to when shading areas of a person's face.

Dynamic range of Values

There are differences between how we see values in our experience and how the artist depicts those apparent values. In our world the lightest thing we are likely to experience is the sun, it is too bright to look at. The darkest would be a complete absence of light, like in a cave.

These extremes are much farther apart than the poles of value available to an artist -- white and black pigment.

To reconcile these differences requires that the designer either use one end of the value dynamic or compress the real world's value extremes into the tonal range between white and black pigment.

Using Values effectively

There are two major considerations when using value. First is the amount of contrast which controls visibility. Second is the tonal range of values used that controls mood and ambiance.

Using Value Contrast

The visibility, and hence the noticeability, of an item depends largely on how much contrast it makes with it's surroundings. Black and white are the extremes of value, the most different items can be from each other. When that extreme is used the contrast makes the item the most visible. When the contrast is lessened, the visibility is reduced so that minimum contrast produced minimum visibility


The range of values from black to white is the tonal range available to an artist. The ability to use that range effectively lets the designer determine the mood of an image and create and control ambiance.
Skillful use of Value as a design element allows a designer to control visibility and with that attention and emphasis.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Size – What Are Its Effects In A Design?

In design and art, shapes and lines carry different meaning and significance. Depending on how they are used, shapes and lines create a world of structure, emotion and mystery. A skilled designer may be able to manipulate balance, unity and emphasis in a design with the use of size variation and repetition.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Direction: Visual Manipulation in Design and Art

In a world where lines and shapes portray emotions as well as messages, direction holds great importance.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Organic Shapes Versus Geometric Shapes

Wherever we go, we see different shapes. Some of these shapes are precise and consistent, some are free-form, flowing and unpredictable. Shapes are visible yet mostly ignored.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Friday, February 22, 2013

Repetition Heightens Visual Imagery In A Design

Repetition is the design principle that defines the visual drama in a work of art. It brings to the composition the oomph that host viewer’s interest.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Design is all about patterns

All designs are made with patterns, whether on structures and gadgets that has mesmerized people to no end. Everywhere you look, patterns emerge. Even our lives are guided by patterns.